
Let Us do the dirty work

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All About US

At Canvenient Pickup Co, we are dedicated to making recycling as easy and convenient as possible. Our mission is to provide a reliable and efficient pickup service for redeemable cans and bottles from households and businesses. We understand the importance of keeping our environment clean and strive to provide a convenient way for individuals and businesses to recycle their cans and bottles.

Crushed Aluminum Cans


We Offer

Curious? Here is how we can help!

Poor rubbish disposal lead to environment polution.

One Time Pickup

Waste from plastic bottles, reducing waste from plastic bottles

Regular Pickups

Glass bottles in waste basket.

Event Pickups

What Our Clients Say

Orange Star
Orange Star
Orange Star
Orange Star
Orange Star

Testimonials are short quotes from people who love your brand. It's a great way to convince customers to try your services.

The Online Food Hub

Orange Star
Orange Star
Orange Star
Orange Star
Orange Star

Testimonials are short quotes from people who love your brand. It's a great way to convince customers to try your services.

Food Pyramid Co.

Orange Star
Orange Star
Orange Star
Orange Star
Orange Star

Testimonials are short quotes from people who love your brand. It's a great way to convince customers to try your services.

Jul & Sons Co.

Contact Us

Mailing Address

123 Anywhere St. Any City, ST 12345

Email Address

Phone Number

(123) 456-7890

Assorted-color Soda Cans
Orange Star
Modern Bold Swiss Elements Purple Rays
Modern Bold Swiss Elements Colorful Circles